It looks different, doesn’t it? Raider3.com now takes you to this “new and improved” personal web site, now fortified with actual content management software (WordPress!), whole grain goodness, and 8 essential vitamins and minerals.
All kidding aside, everything that was at the old servers is being moved over here, updated, and hopefully finished up. I’ve [...]
All categories ported from raider3.com, updated for 2009, and in the can, baked and set. Cross one entry off my never-ending “to do” list…
Come on, you know me by now. Development on this site (And the entire Network R3 structure) happens in spurts.
For the record, I’ve had my mid-life crisis in effect for at least a year or two prior to my recent milestone birthday.
There’s no set roadmap for me from this point forth. I may [...]
I’m currently at FanimeCon 2009 in downtown San Jose, CA – Coverage is being hosted on Network R3 on Red Skies @ Night, minor updates on the Network R3 main portal page, and photos currently being trickled out on my Flickr photostream.
If you have friended me on LiveJournal, Facebook, and/or Twitter, I’ll be sending [...]
Evolution… (Everything Old Is New Again) This subdomain is now part of the long-awaited transition and consolidation of the current raider3.com site to its eventual home here on NetworkR3.com. My LiveJournal was originally going to be archived here (Out of the beginning-of-year panic perpetuated by way too many people that LJ would be shutting down. I fell for it, but I eventually came to my senses, hence, the repositioning of this subdomain.)
Keep checking back, as content from the old Raider3.com site, as well as the anime.net site it originally was on is relocated here, and updated for the end of the first decade of the 21st Century. It may not happen overnight, but it will happen.