Well, because I started the week being super sick, possibly Yet Another Cellulitis Flare-up. I believe I know what caused it, and I’ve spent the rest of the week recovering from it.
It was not as bad as the last few times. Usual symptoms, really bad chills (the current cold spell in Phoenix didn’t help), soreness up near my crotch, and back of the lower legs. There’s some swelling in the lower left leg, so I guess I’m not wearing my Demonia Swing 815 goth platform boots Saturday night.
I was super worn out all day at work Monday, still made it through an eight hour shift. I went home, and straight to bed, only to wake up around 12:30 Tuesday morning to throw up, and then again five hours later when I was in the shower.
So, Tuesday was spent at home, calling out from work, sleeping on and off. No solid foods since 9:30 Monday morning, except for the occasional swallow of water. I was able to eat gain around 7 pm Tuesday.
I’ve been recovering bit by bit, currently around 90% recovered. I would have loved to get antibiotics, but I didn’t want to fork over $120 at urgent care. (haven’t met my insurance deductible, so I decided to tough it out on my own. It’s not the first not-so-good decision I’ve made, but it seems to be working.)
Looking forward to Rocky Horror in Scottsdale tomorrow night, no matter what shape I’m in. As long as I still have a voice and don’t feel nauseous.
Updates resume later on in the weekend.