Note: Forensically recovered from the Internet Archive Wayback Machine. Attaboy, Sherman!
This is going to be significantly updated from the original. First, I never really updated. Secondly, I more or less came out to family, friends, and co-workers (and my girlfriend of over three years!) between late 2017 to now. (late December 2022) – Finally, between some long-running issues with this WordPress installation, updating backend stuff (php version updating) that broke some of the sister WordPress-powered sub-sites/subdomains, and a major data center issue on December 25, 2022, that caused some hiccups, I’ve pulled the trigger and rebuilt this site on a full wipe and reinstall. (Protip: Back up your site and databases early and often.)
“First off, I’d like to give a very special thanks to Michael, a.k.a. Raider3, for allowing me to set up my little online home on his Network R3 server. You’ve done so much for me, I don’t know how I can begin to pay you back, but I’ll do my very best to be a good hostess here. 😉” (Forget all that, or most of it. I am Raider3, this is me, no matter how I present. This is the flagship work on my server.)
Ok, if you’ve found me here from Facebook, Instagram, Mastodon, Twitch, YouTube or Flickr, you know what to expect, but for everyone else…
I am “29 and holding,” and it seems I’m finding a lot of people out there like me. (Just more adventurous, experienced, and so on and so forth.) ^_^;
I grew up in the Dark Center Of The Universe, a.k.a. somewhere in the middle of California, and currently, I live in Phoenix, Arizona. Forgive me if I’m not too generous with details right now. Let’s just say that not too many people out there know about me, or at least that’s what it feels like at times…
I am older than I look or act, I’m a casual/old-school gamer, and still into collecting anime and manga items, even after half my life. I am a “Jill-of-all-trades” – whether it’s troubleshooting computer hardware and software, setting up audio/video equipment, assembling gas barbecue grills, patio furniture, computer desks, shelves, room furniture, changing the oil or other fluids in my own car, sewing costumes or outfits, or whatever else I feel I can do. I pride myself on being able to solve any computer issues myself. (As long as it doesn’t involve a soldering iron, I’m ok!) I’ve been known to hammer out the occasional sketch, drawing, illustration, string together notes into something resembling music, and take WAY too many photos. (On my third digital camera, finally stepped into the DSLR era in late 2009.) [Oh, yeah, there’s also my fifth Android phone since 2010.]
(Are you happy now? I’ve filled in a little more of my back story! ^_-;)
Given enough time and confidence, with advice and support from others, I’m sure I’ll blossom quite well. (And as of 2023, the Julie Anne Army is growing… You may be part of it as well, especially if you’ve found this blog.)
It is my time to shine – How bright I shine before I fade into embers depends on me.
And Now, Some Facts:
Piercings: Both ears, one in each, pierced in late November 2012. ^_^ (Yay, no more clip-ons! They hurt after a while, regardless of an hour or eight…)
Tattoos: None. (Never felt the need, plus they’d look all weird if I gained or lost any serious amount of weight. Besides, I’d have to decide on something I’d want to have for more or less the rest of my life, or spend $$ to get rid of it.)
Padding: Breasts only currently. (Well-worn breast forms from a good friend, hoping to replace with a newer pair eventually… With nipples.)
Fingernails: Yes, I’ve grown my own out, and got away with it for the most part in boy-mode. Trimmed only when needed. I’ve been lax in keeping clear coat polish on them as of late, and they’ve frayed a bit.
Eyebrows: Still working on them, may need to actually have someone work with them. Mind you, I’m still a “part time” girl, so I don’t want to make it too obvious.
Body Hair: I shave or use depillatory lotion on a regular basis. Fortunately what I do have is very light. (Some on the chest, none on the back, lower legs, upper arms.) I kind of lucked out in that genetic area.
Makeup: I’m proud to say that I do my own. I’ve learned on my own, by seeing how others do it on Flickr and elsewhere, and thanks to encouragement from Bree Scott, I picked up my own copy of Kevyn Aucoin’s “Making Faces” ^_^;
Personal Photo Policies:
- I don’t want to see pictures of anyone else’s “junk”, especially what doesn’t belong on a real girl. If I need to look at one, I’ll look at my own, thank you. ^_-;
- My photos of myself do not include any digital enhancements, save for the occasional fogging out of background (Such as a series of photos in my room, which, I admit, is an ongoing disaster area. ^_^;) – However, I do not enhance myself, save for any makeup. ^_^;
- I generally won’t do any headless shots. I took a leap of faith, and I’m confident enough to show myself off, save for the occasional early photo, or any that concentrates on a particular feature of my body or clothes that I like. My first few public photos were before I worked up the nerve to show my face online. So far, I haven’t had any harassment.
- About 95% of my photos on Flickr are public. I keep some of the more risque photos (Me in nothing but lingerie, or some more risque requests for friends, or some of my more experimental “fantasy” photos) filtered and flagged appropriately. I’d like to keep this Flickr account for a long, long while.
- Comments are appreciated, especially if you’re adding me, or favoriting my pictures. Feedback is important to me.
- I have a certain set of factors that determines where I add someone back. Not everyone who adds me gets added back. (Hint: See above.)
- I don’t care if guys add me. I’m cool with that, I’m trying to get used to a couple of people out there who have been flirting with me. As I stated in my profile, I like women. Technically, that means I’m straight when I’m in boy-mode, and when I’m Julie Anne, I’m a trans-lesbian. ^_^; I don’t want to go to bed with you. That’s not why I’m online here and on Flickr. ^_^;
- Deletions to my photos are very rare. If I didn’t want people to see it, I wouldn’t post it up.
- No guarantees on how long I will keep this photostream up. I’m sure, in time, when I find out what I want, I’ll figure out what I want to do. I do know that for those of us who go all the way into going full-time, eventually, in order to successfully pass, you have to become “invisible” – That may mean going into “deep stealth”, more or less cutting off ties with your past. For now, I’m a “part time” girl, and I may be for quite some time.
- Insults, rudeness, and general hate are ABSOLUTELY not tolerated. I have had to block at least one person over the past few months. Fortunately, I’ve been flying under the radar, so I really haven’t had to wield the ban-hammer too often.
- Criticism welcome, as long as it’s creative, and polite. Posts of a “You urgently needs a therapy” or similar nature, with the intent to humiliate me or shame me, because I’m not slim, or I don’t pass convincingly, will most likely earn you a permanent block.
- Any comments clearly hateful or insulting will be treated as a hate crime, and will be reported as such. You don’t want to go there with me.
- It’s a personal thing with me, but 95% of the time, I will use proper punctuation, spelling, and grammar. I like writing, I was better in English than just about anything else (except computers) in school and college. ^_^; There are times, however, when I’ll indulge the “omg” and “lol” side of me. ^_^;
- I have nothing but admiration for most of those who have been here longer than me. Sometimes I may be inspired to do my own spin on something I’ve seen. Inspiration strikes when I least expect it.
- I’m still trying to build up my confidence in commenting or adding other people. I’d rather have a handful of close friends I talk to on a somewhat regular basis, than thousands of contacts who just come here for the “pretty” (heh heh) pictures, or just to see what I do next.
- … That doesn’t mean I won’t keep pushing the boundaries. This is a lifelong journey, and I’m going to have as much fun as I can along the way.